Thursday, May 6, 2010

"Ms. Ray are you from Australia or something?"

Me: No.
Them: Then why do you talk about it so much?

----and this is when I decided to stop talking about Australia so much at school. How odd anyway that I so often refer to an entire continent. I should be more specific so it sounds more realistic. I am sure people don't go around talking about "Europe" as if it were a city. So I'm done publicizing.

Back to the blog.

After having my principal read and edit my letter for Selection Criteria his words were, and I quote, "I think you have a little more to do here." After talking to me for about twenty minutes, which I greatly appreciated, we came up with several notes and future revisions. Now I feel very much on track. Yet, that was Tuesday and today is Thursday and despite the fact that in reality there are only two days between, it seems like an eternity.

I promise, when this school year ends, it's on Australia! Err... I mean Melbourne. I will focus so hard on that. And moving. And writing. And.... Ok, big summer. Nonetheless, I will make it happen.

Unless... something else happens.

I am going to ask the Magic 8 Ball again...
Me: Should I move to Australia (Melbourne)?
Magic8Ball: "It's Lookin' Good"

There we have it....

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Multimedia message

I need more paper and another black ink cartridge

After spending all of Sunday morning "in Australia" I feel another step closer to achieving my dream.
  • Applications for migrations - printed
  • Registration for teaching - printed and read
  • Final draft (before everyone else's revision's) of Selection Criteria letter - completed
  • Practice of Aussie terms and Celsius conversions - priceless ;)
If only I had more time though. I have to work, for real, in America, all week and spend tons of time outside of the classroom preparing and doing my many extracurricular (school-related) activities. I just need like a solid month to prepare everything and according to my Aussie connections about $16,000 to make this move work. Well I don't have a month to prepare, I am too antsy and impulsive and there is no way to save $16,000. So let's go with $5,000 and make it work.

"Make it work" - Tim Gunn

Aside from the fact that I am now a member of the Australian Government website and for some reason felt the impulse to place that logo as my FB profile pic, I now worry about the little things.

Like food. Will I like the food? We all know I love fish&chips and could eat a meat pie or sausage roll any day of the week, but what about the American foods I can't get? What about apple pie? What about collard greens? What about fried cheese sticks? Just give me a 72 ounce soda for 79 cents and I'll be on my way, OK!?
At last though, perhaps my prays and future concerns have been answered- An American diner. Thanks Misty's for providing a backup plan.

2nd thing: Language barrier. Though you're thinking, "They speak English, you speak English, what's the problem here?" They (Australians) can't understand the words I speak, I swear! Perhaps it's this "accent" I have. Perhaps its my limited vocabulary of Aussie terms. I think it's a little more of the latter. So I am going to study, make flashcards, and more importantly practice. So long American terminology! I'm going to be cheeky and add u's to words like colour and favourtie then top it off by pronouncing that h in herb!

See you later.